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European Edition​

Diverse Topics from Expert Speakers

  • Cardiovascular Physiology

  • Neonatal Myocardium

  • Cardiopulmonary Interactions

  • Patent Ductus Arteriosus

  • Pulmonary Hypertension 

  • Congenital Heart Disease

  • Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia

  • Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia

  • Cardiopulmonary Performance in Down Syndrome

  • Cardiopulmonary Assessment, Diagnosis and Treatment of Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy

Course Objectives

  1. Review key principles of cardiopulmonary physiology as they pertain to the fetus and newborn circulation

  2. Understand the physiological changes that occur during the transition to extrauterine life and clinical manifestations of interrupted/altered transition

  3. Review the physiological effects of cardiopulmonary therapeutic agents, their potential benefits and side effects, and how they may vary based on underlying pathophysiology

  4. Learn pathophysiological alterations that occur in common disease states affecting the term and preterm infants and their physiology and evidence-based management algorithms

Steering Committee


Dr. Aisling Smith
Rotunda Hospital
Dublin, Ireland


Dr. Mayka Bravo
La Paz University Hospital
Madrid, Spain 


Dr. Danielle Rios
Stead Family
Children's Hospital 
Iowa City, USA


Michelle Baczynski
Mount Sinai Hospital
Toronto, Canada


Megan Hudak
Stead Family 
Children's Hospital 
Iowa City, USA


Sharifa Habib
Hospital for Sick Children
Toronto, Canada

Dr. Philip Levy
Boston Children's Hospital
Boston, USA

Laura Thomas
Mount Sinai Hospital
Toronto, Canada

Dr. Amish Jain
Mount Sinai Hospital
Toronto, Canada

Dr. Patrick McNamara
Stead Family 
Children's Hospital 
Iowa City, USA

Presented by the Neonatal Hemodynamics Research Centre (European Edition)
Endorsed by:
Location: Virtual
€25 Trainees and Allied Health 
€50 Faculty
Contact Information
Please Note:
All times are Central European Time (CET)

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