7th annual
Virtual Lecture Series
NOVEMBER 11 - 14, 2024
Abstract Presentations
We are pleased to facilitate the presentation of high quality abstracts in the field of neonatal hemodynamics. A range of platform and poster presentations cover basic and clinical cardiovascular physiology, pathological mechanisms of disease related to common cardiovascular disorders will be presented.
To read the abstracts to be presented at NeoHemodynamics 2018 click:
1. You will have 8 minutes to present your original research followed by 4 minutes of questions. The schedule for the symposium is available on the website.
2. Your presentation should be submitted by April 30 at 18:00 EST via email to panamhc@gmail.com.
3. Please include a disclosure slide describing any conflicts of interest. If there are no conflicts of interest please specify "The authors of this work have no conflicts of interest to declare."
4. Slides should be in 16:9 format with a white background and a standard font (Calibri light/Calibri)
Platform Presentations
Poster Presentations
1. The poster session will be 90 minutes (from 11:30 - 13:00).
2. Poster boards will be standard PAS poster size (8x4).
3. Each presenter will be expected to deliver a 1-2 minute presentation describing the key messages of their work. We will provide a specific time-frame for presenters to be available at their board to facilitate this.