7th annual
Virtual Lecture Series
NOVEMBER 11 - 14, 2024

Invited Speakers

Alan Groves
Neonatologist, New York USA
Associate Professor of Paediatrics, Icahn school of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital
Alan Groves is a staff Neonatologist who, after being awarded an MRC Clinician Scientist Fellowship, developed cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and advanced ultrasound techniques in newborns with Imperial College. In 2012 he moved to King’s College London as part of Professor David Edwards’ Department of Perinatal Imaging, where he was appointed Head of Cardiovascular Imaging. His research training and subsequent research has been related to identifying optimal methods to monitor circulatory function in newborn infants, with a particular focus on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and echocardiography.

Luc Mertens
Cardiologist, Toronto CANADA
Professor of Paediatrics, University of Toronto
Section Head, Echocardiography Laboratory at The Hospital for Sick Children
​Dr. Mertens is currently the Echocardiography Section Head at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto and a Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Toronto. Dr. Mertens obtained his medical degree and a doctoral degree in Medical Sciences (Physiology and Molecular Biology) at the University of Leuven, Belgium. He trained in Pediatrics and Pediatric Cardiology at the University Hospitals Leuven and at The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN (USA). He worked as a pediatric cardiologist at the University Hospitals in Leuven between 1998 and 2008. His clinical expertise is in pediatric echocardiography. His research interests focus on studying cardiac function in children.

Martin Kluckow
Neonatologist, Sydney AUSTRALIA
Professor of Neonatology, University of Sydney & Senior Staff Specialist in Neonatology, Royal North Shore Hospital with honorary positions at 2 other academic hospitals.
With his Sydney based research group, he has led the development of neonatal haemodynamics and point of care ultrasound in the neonatal unit for the past 20 years, publishing 90 peer reviewed articles. His research has centred around the physiology and transitional circulation of infants born prematurely, the time frame of changes and the relationship of these changes to complications of prematurity. He has particular interests in the patent ductus arteriosus, management of hypotension and pulmonary hypertension, umbilical cord clamping time and ultrasound training and education.

Satyan Lakshminrusimha
Neonatologist, Buffalo USA
Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo
Professor of Paediatrics and Chief, Neonatology
Satyan Lakshminrusimha is the Professor and Chair of Paediatrics at University of California at Davis. His research focuses on transition at birth, neonatal resuscitation and the role of oxygen and nitric oxide in disorders of transition. His passion is to transfer innovative ideas from bench to the isolette / NICU and mentoring junior faculty. Drawing medical illustrations is his hobby. He is a member of the American Academy of Paediatrics – Neonatal Resuscitation Program Steering Committee and the American Board of Paediatrics Sub-specialty of Newborn Section.

Shahab Noori
Neonatologist, Los Angeles USA
Associate Professor of Paediatrics, University of Southern California
Children's Hospital Los Angeles and Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center
Shahab Noori is a Neonatologist in Los Angeles, California and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Children's Hospital Los Angeles and Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center. He received his medical degree from Albert Szent- Gyorgi Medical University and has been in practice for more than 20 years.

Shyamala Dakshinamurti
Neonatologist, Winnipeg CANADA
Assistant Professor of Paediatrics & Adjunct Professor of Physiology, University of Manitoba
Neonatal Research Coordinator, Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba
Shyamala Dakshinamurti is a neonatologist and biomedical researcher with an MSc in Smooth Muscle Physiology and a member of the Biology of Breathing research group. She is the Coordinator of Research within the Section of Neonatology and the Research Director and Scholarly Oversight Committee Chair for the University of Manitoba's Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellowship Program. Her areas of research interest are pulmonary hemodynamics during circulatory transition, and the physiology and pharmacology of vascular smooth muscle in the neonatal pulmonary circuit.